Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

Kenpo X Time

Deutsche Version? -->

Hey everyone

After my lazy weekend I'm back :). Ok I felt very guilty about my breake. Todays training is  Kenpo X, a workout that I really like! It is very intense but the clock is just running. 

This is what I eat today






Spice sauce with paprica

What is Kenpo Karate

According to Beachbody, Kenpo X was created to give P90X users a high-intensity cardiovascular workout packed with lots of punching and kicking combinations to improve balance, endurance, flexibility, and coordination. Tony Horton, the creator of P90X, will guide you through each exercise and instruct you how to perform each movement with precision and control.

History of Kenpo Karate

Kenpo is used as a cardiovascular self-defense workout. According to Daily Burn, kenpo karate stated with native Hawaiian Ed Parker Sr., who studied under martial arts master William Chow and Lau Bon. Parker's journey exposed him to the spectrum of martial art forms that originated in China, India, and Asia, which he combined to create Kenpo, a raw street-fighting style and the first American system of martial arts.

The Workout

The Kenpo X workout involves a warm up, 45 minutes of drills and then a cool-down. The drills include kicking, punching, some blocks, and a few combinations. Also, the workout has cardio breaks sprinkled throughout that involve doing jumping jacks and plyo jacks to keep your heart rate up throughout the routine. Kenpo X is one of the few P90X workouts that don't require exercise equipment; only your body weight is needed..

Vorteile von Kenpo X

Kenpo X is a non-stop cardiovascular workout that will increase your aerobic endurance, burn calories and promote heart health. This martial arts inspired routine will give a well rounded core workout, since you will utilize your abs to lift your legs during kicks, and twist the obliques during punches. Also, Kenpo X will increase flexibility, since this workout is one of the more athletic routines included in the P90X program.

And next?

Individuals who have performed the Kenpo X workout multiple times and would like to increase intensity could use various exercise equipment such as weight gloves or a weighted vest. Weighted gloves will increase the difficulty of each punch thrown during the workout and increase your calorie burn. A weighted vest will increase intensity during kicks, jumping jacks and plyo movements. Beginners should avoid increasing intensity until they feel that they have become proficient in their punches, kicks and combos.

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